Monday, September 29, 2014

Yay to CSS3 \o/

After a long long time I've gotten a sudden surge in motivation to work on Anego again. Besides a bunch of bugfixes, UI Improvements and some translations I also tinkered with CSS3 Stuff, which makes dialogs look pretty awesome now. Let these dialogs be a statement of my resentment towards the new Win8/IOS7 Flat design.

Example, the 'Add page' Dialog Before

And after

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

jQuery Drag&Drop Tree fun

Did you know my Anego CMS implements it's own, modular jQuery Drag&Drop Tree for the menu management?

Here's a demo of it

Why you ask?

Because ~10 hours of searching for a user friendly, compact, styleable, clean jQuery Drag&Drop Tree Plugin yielded in nothing :D

Feel free to get above demo at and use it for your own projects. The plugin is licensed under the GPL v2.0. It has a few graphical glitches, but apart from that it works flawlessly, from what I experienced. If you want to know how to handle the callbacks on the server side, check out the code of Anego. The icons are taken from ExtJS and FamFamFam.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Anego CMS reaching stable

I am happy to announce that my CMS is turning into a quite stable piece of software, and I am considering of doing an actual release. So far, one was only able to download the most bleeding edge version from the Github page, which means you've been at the developers mercy whether it works or not ;-)

I've been quite fanatical about features, bug fixing and clean code base lately. In the whole development of Anego I probably spent 30-40% of the time just refactoring the code to be cleaner, faster and more extensible.

Also new are the Gallery and Contact-Form/Mailer module, which should turn out to be very useful for website owners.

Talking about code. Since I love statistics, I've summarized all the lines of code for Anego only, so excluding 3rd party libraries (Smarty, TinyMCE, jQuery, etc. - those probably would add another 30-40k LoC)

Module PHP LoC JavaScript LoC 
Core System 3.908  4.311
Blog 501 292
Gallery 547 1.094
Mailer 320 79
Richtext 66 135
PlainHTML 29 63
Separator 34 5
Total 5.405 5.979
Grand Total

Hint of the day: Did you know, Anego CMS does not send your plain text password when you log in? Before it's sent to the server, a sha256-hash value is generated, which prevents a hacker to read your password, e.g. when your on a WLAN (though replay attacks are still possible).

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Why the phpMyAdmin Status Monitor is awesome

So today I checked out my vServer performance using the phpMyAdmin Status Monitor that I have coded last summer, because a user notified me that a certain webpage doesn't load.
I couldn't figure out the problem as the site loaded normally for me and the server wasn't overloaded, however somehow I ended up hammering on the refresh button in the server tab to check what MySQL processes were running because it was fun and interesting.

So then one process did appear that was currently sorting the results of a query. It looked like a candidate for optimization. So I threw it into the query analyzer.

My assumption turned out to be correct. This query is used to determine when the visitor last visited the website, and it took 0.3 seconds to execute. It happens to be run on every page visit on of my websites.

So, being already in phpMyAdmin, I head over to the table in question and add an index for this field.

ALTER TABLE `cc_counter` ADD INDEX ( `ip` )

Now lets run this query again:

Well that sounds much better doesn't it! From 300ms to 0.8ms. Around 375 times faster now. While we're at it, we might as well write this query correctly.

As we only require the newest visit it is enough find MAX(time) of the visitor in question. Another 40% faster, which results in a speedup of around 525 times compared to the original.

So we not only saved ~0.3 seconds of loading time per visit but also reduced the required CPU time allowing greater workload on the server.

If you are running whatever self written code on your servers or webspace, get the new phpMyAdmin 3.5, check out your database load and optimize your queries. It's very gratifying work ;-)

P.S.: I'm aware that this might be an exceptional case, since a well designed database layout would have proper indexes from the very start. Nonetheless the Status Monitor is a great tool for surgical improvements on bad code like this one. Also in projects that slowly grow over time the chances are not too low to miss out on creating an index where it would be needed.