Sunday, June 12, 2011

Week 3 report

I've achieved most of my goals except for the network traffic graph, mostly because I don't know how to aesthetically include it to the current tab. Also by Suggestion of my Mentor I didn't implement JPEG and PDF export as it is not really required.
One really nice thing I've done now is putting awesome looking highcharts everywhere and deleted all pChart related files from my repository.
And while I was replacing the table charting I realized that the previous implementation was veeery basic, so I added some more features like allowing which column to use as x-axis and therefore removed the margin field because they seem pretty useless to me. Here's a comparison (for the old version I had the data in the wrong format):

Also for big amounts of data, the graph (in the old and new version) is completely overwhelmed, so I'm thinking of adding a feature that allows you to select which region of data you want to display. Last friday I was mostly investigating on how to do that. Probably will use some really good feature from Highcharts.

Something I forgot to mention last week: In my original proposal I suggested to use the slow_query_log with a long_query_time set to zero. But in my tests it appeared that not every query is logged although it's supposed to. Unfortunately there is little information available about setting long_query_time to zero; I also asked in the official mysql forums with no real success a long time ago. I probably will have to use the general query log alone and/or make a bug report about this hoping for it to get fixed.
That is a bit unfortunate because the slow_query_log would have provided us with useful information which is not present in the general_log. Either way, I'm still going to build a 'slow queries' tab to help identify slow queries.

And finally I'm thinking of whether I should build some small interface that allows one to edit the variables on the variables page. That probably might also be quite helpful when trying to optimize the server.

What I did this week:
- Processes + Connections chart in the server traffic tab on the server status page
- Chart Export now also works for SVG, whereas JPEG and PDF is now removed
- Replaced pChart charts everywhere with Highcharts
- Quite some bug fixing and code cleanup

What I'm planning for next week:
- Getting an idea how to place the network traffic graph and implement it
- Add above discussed data selection to the table charting, if it doesn't consume too much time.
- Add a 'slow queries' tab to the server status page
- Probably adding some edit feature for server variables.
- With the remaining time: Evaluate some useful information extractions from the general_log

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